Lebbes Terminal



A survival horror game called DOSBURD, where you must avoid hitting walls of Hate mowing towards you in a blazingly fast speed. If you crash into them, you will die spectacularly! The game is compatible with handheld devices, such as android phones or the pip boy. The game is loosely inspired by a little known game involving a floppy bird, and also a strange emoticon who eerily resembles a bat.


An example of how to make a simple shooter with great touch screen interface.


Heavily influenced by Tony Hawk Pro Skater, but I made it with ASCII characters, so you can play it in a terminal. It is also compatible with Pip-boy. I have monetized the game by bringing in optional hats that you can buy (this was solely my idea).

Reaction test

See which one of you and your friends responds the quickest by the sound of a sine wave. Result is measured in milliseconds. You can also compete with yourself!


A Pip-Boy-compatible version of SNAKE! That's right, you can now play SNAKE on your handheld terminal! Press HERE to play!

Swipe up for moving up, down for moving down, etc. And if you are using a steadfast terminal, you can use the arrow keys on your typing interface instead!


Saturday, 25th January 2025

Happy new year! Just came by to tell you about a new cool site I found! littlebitspace is an ASCII artist of sorts. They also belongs to a larger collective called Mistigris, which also was new for me, even though they have been doing their digital art thingy since 1994!

Also, perhaps there are some place for reflections here? I am now 40 years old. And its not just a number. It is four decades of making plans and choises, reading books, choosing job careers, balancing job life and hobbies. I have gained a lot of experience about how to live my life. (Unfortunately I have zero experience about how to live yours, if you where after some sort of wisdom.) 25 of those years, I have had so much of my social life on the web. I love the web. I love the web for what it could have been, not for what it has turned out to be.

I love hand made web pages like the one I am typing into now. Where I type in links, paragraphs and lists with my own hands. Where I can surf around discovering reflections, experiences, arts and creativity. And it exists! Here on neocities, there is a plenty. And elsewhere on the Internet as well. But, most people don't experience this. Most people are glued into the platforms. Youtube, Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, Pornhub. And of course, all the commercial sites as well. And, of course, I am as well. We are all passive consumers. Like moths whimsically flying towards the nearest fire. I wish that I spent more of that time reading books or clicking around homemade web pages like this instead.

And to be fair, most people have never, and will never, experience web 1.0. It wasn't made for ordinary people. It was made by, and for, the nerds. In the early 90s, many people would not experience the internet before they started college or university. Since this happened in the autumn, nerds dwelling online always feared "september", the month where the n00bs arrived. Opening up the web for ordinary people was called "eternal september". But, the ordinary people — the sheeps - the herd — flocked into the consumer platforms. That was, in itself, a good thing. The bad was that I, among many others, also flocked into these platforms.

I used to have my own web page, on my own domain. I paid for the web hotel. There were free options as well, of course. I resigned that web hotell when they suddenly charged me TEN TIMES more, last year. And I only used it for "professional" stuff (CV, link to github, etc). I had already gotten myself this dwelling place on neocities. Where I am posting sub-anonymously (it won't take you much effort to discover who I am irl, if that is what you really want). I guess this is my cave for now.

As you might have discovered this is more a train of thoughts than a coherent text. I don't really know what I want to say. Except. I miss the original web. I miss authenticity. And I don't care for the platforms. And I kinda fear the text generating large language models. I use the LLMs for my own personal benefits all the time. But all txt you read here, I proudly produce with my own two hands, on the keyboard. I am afraid the web will be flooded with AI generated garbage. Where can we then find authenticity? You can find it here, on this page. And, to the extent of my knowledge, I will only link to web pages that are created by real human beings, from this page.

That isn't to say that I will never produce anything gnerated by AI. But I will a) audit it as throrougly as if I was the responsible editor of the text and (b) tag it or proclaim it to be generated by AI.

Friday, 6th December 2024

I keep forgetting updating this blog. Is this why the genuine web dies? We forget to edit our HTML files? Now Im just walking by letting you guys know that I have released more music since last time. Two releases! One single, and one EP. Here are the links:

Saturday, 14th September 2024

I have this year focused my efforts on making movie music. First single is out! I got the amazing Sad Alien to play two guitar tracks on this one.

Wednesday, 6th March 2024

Ive made my very own "code editor in the browser"-tool. This one doesn't rely on anything running on the server side, and will stay ad-free for as long as neocities.org is up (and ad-free itself). I called the marvelous tool for Quickcode. I use the URL to save/load the code snippet, and you can use the browser history as "undo".

If you want an example implementation of a TODO application. It uses localStorage for persistence.

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