Weblog Archive


Wednesday, 15 September 2021

So much have happened since last time I wrote here.

So, I guess that I have been kinda occupied. I haven't updated this blog since 28th of june…

Monday, 28 June 2021

Oh my ZSH with git-prompt.

I just got an updated Macbook Pro at work, the 2019 model (my previous one was a 2016 model). With it, comes the ZSH shell as a new default, instead of bash. I have been a user of bash and bash-it for a decade now, and it is fun to try something new.

I can't say I notice much difference (yet), but there was something I missed from bash-it: The possibility to see detailed information about the current git branch in the prompt. Oh My ZSH only shows the current branch-name + wether it is uncomitted changes or not. To see detailed information (how much behind or in front of remote branch my branch is, for instance) I had to use the git-prompt plugin. But that came with a drawback, namely that I get the git branch info twice!

git-prompt is using the RPROMT (right prompt) to show this information, (i.e. it is placed right in the prompt), and it wont remove the git information in the ordinary prompt. To make up for this, I just made my own custom theme instead, a simple wone without any git information:

PROMPT='%{$fg_bold[green]%} %{$fg[green]%}%c%{$reset_color%} '

Monday, 12 June 2021

I've made yet another composition!

Lebchen · The Cleansing

Monday, 26 April 2021

I'm now trying to sell my apartment, to buy a larger one. So I can move in with my girlfriend <3

Monday, 12 April 2021

I've made a new composition!

Lebchen · Hornigold's Island

Saturday, 9 January 2021

Happy new year!

Today I found an excellent article on mixing drums. I was so afraid I would loose sight of this until I needed it, so I started a new page where I intend to list the best articles I find on different aspects of music production.