Desktop backgrounds
If you want some stylish desktop background, you just might have come to the right place. Here follows my collection of desktop backgrounds, generated by dall-e or Midjourney.
All images are upscaled 200% with mogrify, then compressed in size with Compress PNG.
- 01. Post apocalypseFallout-inspired post apocalyptics urban scenery, where a satanic cult has inhabited a large building. | 3584 x 2048
- 02. Cyberpunk Kinda msessy cyberpunk scene with lots of references thrown in. | 3584 x 2048
- 03. Library An occult library, with focus on an open book containing esoteric listing. | 3584 x 2048
- 04. Forest ruins Young warlocks gather around a bonfire in some ruins inside a huge dark forest. | 3584 x 2048